10 December 2005
Trip to 長崎 (Nagasaki, Japan) on 06-10 December 2005
Source and photos: http://horizons.free.fr/seikatsu/eng/memories/2005-12_jp-nagasaki.htm
I visited 長崎 (Nagasaki, Japan) for the first time on 06-10 December 2005 to attend the 2005 International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (aka EUC2005), where I gave a talk. During my stay, I was moved by 長崎原爆資料館 (Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum), and enjoyed the vast 平和公園 (Peace Park), the rebuilt 浦上天主堂 (Urakami cathedral), the strange but impressive 福済寺 (Fukusai temple), and the relaxing グラバー園 (Glover Garden).

長崎 (Nagasaki)
27 November 2005
Trip to 鬼怒川 (Kinugawa, Japan) on 26-27 November 2005
Source and photos: http://horizons.free.fr/seikatsu/eng/memories/2005-11_jp-kinugawa.htm
I relaxed and enjoyed 紅葉 (autumn colours) at 鬼怒川 (Kinugawa, Japan) on 26-27 November 2005 with good friends: Alexander, Christian, Kathy, and 亮助 (Ryosuke). First, we visited the city and relaxed at a scenic 露天風呂 (outdoor spa). We then had a delicious and copious traditional dinner at 丸京旅館 (Marukyo ryokan). The following day, we spotted a rainbow at 虹見滝 (Rainbow waterfalls), and strolled at the nearby 龍王峡 (Ryuo gorge), admiring crimson and gold leaves.

紅葉 (autumn colours),
鬼怒川 (Kinugawa)
20 October 2005
Fashion show of wearable computers in 大阪 (Osaka, Japan) on 20 October 2005
Source and photos: http://horizons.free.fr/seikatsu/eng/memories/2005-10_jp-osaka_iswc-fashion.htm
I attended demonstrations and an evening fashion show dedicated to wearable computers in 大阪 (Osaka, Japan) on 20 October 2005 as part of the 9th International Symposium on Wearable Computers (aka ISWC2005), which I attended for work. The demonstrations included a TextileNet vest that conducts electricity to components placed on it by 戸田真志 (TODA Masashi), a vest that contains an interactive interface by a Fraunhofer institute, and a dress that emits light by チームつかもと (Team Tsukamoto). The show featured numerous luminous accessories and garments by チームつかもと (Team Tsukamoto), difficult to properly photograph due to the darkness.

12 September 2005
Hike at Mount Saint Helens (USA) on 12 September 2005
Source and photos: http://horizons.free.fr/seikatsu/eng/memories/2005-09_us-mount-st-helens.htm
I hiked Mount Saint Helens in Washington State (United States of America) on 12 September 2005 in company of Ruth to see for the first time the site of a devastating volcanic eruption. We drove a few hours from Seattle, visited a museum dedicated to the 1980 eruption then walked for a while in the area. In some places vegetation was non-existent, dead trees killed by toxic fumes stood still, and animals were scarce. Ruth was a great companion for the hike as she is my preferred geologist and a former NASA employee.

Mount Saint Helens,
United States of America
05 September 2005
Hike at Mount Rainier (USA) on 05 September 2005
Source and photos: http://horizons.free.fr/seikatsu/eng/memories/2005-09_us-mount-rainier.htm
I hiked Mount Rainier in Washington State (United States of America) on 05 September 2005 in company of Jennifer to relax, breathe, and discover wide natural spaces. On our way, we enjoyed a great scenery at Alder Lake then lunched in a train wagon turned into a restaurant. The hike at Mount Rainier in the Paradise area was refreshing, and we appreciated the company of deers apparently used to respect from humans, which is predictable since wandering beyond the tracks is forbidden.

Mount Rainier,
United States of America
05 June 2005
Exhibition at Enoshima aquarium in 江ノ島 (Enoshima, Japan) on 05 June 2005
Source and photos: http://horizons.free.fr/seikatsu/eng/memories/2005-06_jp-enoshima.htm
I visited 江ノ島水族館 (Enoshima aquarium) in 江ノ島 (Enoshima, Japan) on 05 June 2005 in company of 直子 (Naoko) and her daughter 牧 (Maki) to see an impressive Mirounga leonina called みなぞう (Minazo). The sea residents are diverse, often beautiful and exhibited with talent, which is difficult to render on photos due to the darkness.

江ノ島 (Enoshima),
江ノ島水族館 (Enoshima aquarium)
20 May 2005
Fashion show of wearable computers in 高松 (Takamatsu, Japan) on 20 May 2005
Source and photos: http://horizons.free.fr/seikatsu/eng/memories/2005-05_jp-takamatsu_amt-fashion.htm
I watched a 1-hour long fashion show dedicated to wearable computers in 高松 (Takamatsu, Japan) on 20 May 2005 as part of the 3rd International Conference on Active Media Technology, where I gave a talk. The show was organized by 塚本昌彦 (TSUKAMOTO Masahiko), and consisted mainly of conceptually interesting garments that serve as pianos, emit light or display messages. I now look forward to seeing advanced versions of such clothes, well integrated and usable in everyday life.

04 March 2005
Snow in 東京 (Tokyo, Japan) on 04 March 2005
Source and photos: http://horizons.free.fr/seikatsu/eng/memories/2005-03-04_jp-tokyo_snow.htm
I enjoyed snow in 東京 (Tokyo, Japan) for the first time on 04 March 2005, walking the streets of 早稲田 (Waseda) area before going to work, as snowfalls are rare and flakes short-lived in the capital. Under a white sky and covered with snow, colorful 神道 (Shinto) shrines contrasted much with austere Buddhist temples.

早稲田 (Waseda),
東京 (Tokyo)
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