On the contrary to 本州 (main island of Japan), 北海道 (Hokkaido) lacks train lines and frequent buses so François and I rented a car from Friday. We first visited the large 旭山動物園 (Asahiyama zoo), which offered panoramic views thanks to its slope and open sky. The animals lived in narrow spaces but looked healthy. I observed much wolves, pandas, baby monkeys, and a black panther, and I hope to see such animals in the wild someday. For a change, we continued with museums dedicated to clothing and snow: 国際染織美術館 (International Dyeing and Weaving Art Museum), 優佳良織工芸館 (Yukara Ori Folk Craft Museum) and 雪の美術館 (Snow Crystals Museum). The first was the most impressive, with well-preserved garments from several countries exhibiting diverse lifestyles and concepts. 亮 (Ryo) joined us in the evening for a great dinner at ハローウィン (Halloween).
On Saturday, we strolled in the splendid lavender fields of ファーム富田 (Farm Tomita) and in the diverse flower fields of 四季彩の丘 (Shikisai-no-oka); superb photos of these landscapes were as usual exhibited at 拓真館 (Takushinkan museum). In another style, 富良野チーズ工房 (Furano cheese factory) offered a unique experience with its robotic milking cow! The best moment of the day though was a delicious chocolate fondue at ジャンゴ (Jungo).
On Sunday, we hiked several hours in 旭岳 (Asahidake), the highest mountain in 北海道 (Hokkaido). The landscapes alternated grass, ponds, flower fields and patches of snow, and are worth a two- or three-days hike... To properly end the day, we visited the small but high-quality 川村カ子トアイヌ記念館 (Kawamura Kaneto Ainu Memorial Museum) dedicated to the indigenous people アイヌ (Ainu), where reading Japanese is quite instructive.
After the departure of 亮 (Ryo) on Monday morning, François and I drove to 十勝岳 (Tokachi-dake), enjoying local beef and grapes juice on the way. The large open space and the green and orange scenery were impressive even with a few clouds. Hiking several days there would be quite an experience. Anyway, 十勝岳温泉 (Tokachidake Onsen) is a must do, and we quietly relaxed there with a view of the valley from the outdoor spa. Finally, François and I enjoyed great coffee in 美瑛 (Biei) at 北工房 (Kita Kouboh).